Funding Alert: Sports
ACCESS FUNDThe Fund’s Climbing Preservation Grant Program has as its priority the preservation or enhancement of climbing access and opportunities. It also seeks to conserve the climbing environment throughout the United States.
AMERICAN ALPINE CLUBThe Club’s Cornerstone Conservation Grants supported by REI creates healthy climbing landscapes, promotes respect for the places that climbers ascend, and empowers local climbing communities. The Cornerstone Conservation Grant has grown out of a decade of the Club’s underwriting and volunteerism.
AMERICAN HIKING SOCIETYThe Society’s National Trails Fund is dedicated to building and protecting hiking trails in the United States. The Fund focuses its grantmaking on local organizations, giving them the resources they need to secure access, volunteers, tools, and materials to repair and protect America’s hiking trails.
BALANCE BAR COMPANYThe Company’s community grants fund organizations to encourage the development of projects that help communities pursue a sport or recreational activity that enhances physical health. Past grants have supported equipment purchases, training, and other activities related to archery, cycling, hiking, the martial arts, rock climbing, running, yoga, and other pursuits.
BALANCE BAR SPORTS GRANTThe Company awards grants to enable amateur athletes and teams to pursue a sport or recreational activity that enhances physical health. Amateur athletes/enthusiasts/hobbyists who are at least 18 years old and who have not competed in athletic activities as their main source of income are eligible to apply.
BASEBALL FOR TOMORROW FUNDThe mission of the Fund, a philanthropic initiative of Major League Baseball, is to promote and enhance the growth of baseball in the United States, Canada, and worldwide. Grants may be used to finance a new program, expand or improve an existing program, undertake a new collaborative effort, or obtain facilities or equipment necessary for youth baseball or softball programs.
BASEBALL TOMORROW FUNDThe Fund is a joint initiative between Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association. The Fund’s mission is to promote and enhance the growth of youth participation in baseball and softball throughout the world.
BIKES BELONGThe Organization, a national coalition of bicycle suppliers and retailers, provides grants to United States organizations and agencies committed to “putting more people on bicycles more often.” It funds important and influential projects that leverage federal funding and build momentum for bicycling across the United States. Projects include bike paths, lanes, and routes, as well as bike parks, mountain bike trails, BMX facilities, and large-scale bicycle advocacy initiatives.
BIKES BELONG COALITIONSponsored by members of the American bicycle industry, the Coalition’s mission is to increase bike ridership. Grants are awarded for facility, capacity, and education projects.
BILL BELICHICK FOUNDATIONThe Foundation, created by the coach of the New England Patriots’ football team, seeks to provide coaching, mentorship, and financial assistance to individuals, communities, and organizations with a focus on the sports of football and lacrosse. Grants are awarded to endeavors that strive to instill a love of sports, coaching, and team-building in the athletic leaders of tomorrow.
BOATU.S. FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is dedicated to promoting safe and environmentally sensitive boating. The Boating Safety grant program funds projects created by local volunteer organizations that educate the public about actions they can take to be safer while boating.
BOATUS FOUNDATIONThe Foundation’s Grassroots Grants Program supports nonprofits, boating clubs, and student groups in the United States for projects that utilize innovative approaches to education about safe and clean boating on local waterways. The Foundation is looking for unique project ideas to reach recreational boaters with safety and/or clean boating messages.
BOATUS FOUNDATION FOR BOATING SAFETY AND CLEAN WATERThe Foundation’s Grassroots Grants program annually awards funds to nonprofits, boating clubs, and student groups in the U.S. that provide education about safe and clean boating.
CHALLENGED ATHLETES FOUNDATIONThe Foundation’s Access for Athletes Program steps in where rehabilitation and health insurance end by providing funding grants for equipment such as sports wheelchairs, handcycles, mono skis and sports prosthetics, and resources for training and competition expenses directly to physically challenged athletes. The Foundation awards grants in three different categories: coaching/training fees, competition expenses, and equipment.
FINISH LINE YOUTH FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the athletic shoe retailer. It focuses its grantmaking toward organizations that provide opportunities for youth participation in youth athletic programs and camps.
KABOOM!The Organization’s community-build model enables diverse groups of volunteers to collaborate toward a collective cause – the well-being of children – by completing a tangible product – a new playground – in a fixed time period of one day that will make an immediate and lasting difference for decades to come. The Organization invites grant applications from communities anywhere in the United States working to establish joint use agreements to re-open playground and recreational facilities previously unavailable due to safety and upkeep concerns.
LOCAL INIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATIONThe Corporation helps resident-led, community-based development organizations transform distressed communities and neighborhoods into healthy ones. It provides capital, technical expertise, training, and information, to support the development of local leadership and the creation of affordable housing, commercial, industrial and community facilities, businesses, and jobs.
LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATIONThe Corporation has partnered with the NFL Foundation on the sports’ organization’s Grassroots Program. The Program seeks to address the shortage of clean, safe, and accessible football fields in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.
MLB TOMORROW FUNDThe philanthropic arm of Major League Baseball, the Fund is a joint initiative of both the professional baseball organization and the MLB player’s association. Funding priorities are programs, fields, and equipment purchases for youth baseball in the United States, Canada, and throughout the world.
MLB-MLBPA YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is a joint initiative between Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association that was created to increase participation in and expand access to youth baseball and softball. Priority is given to applications that offer bold, innovative, and creative ideas to increase opportunities to play baseball and/or softball for youth (age 20 and under) and especially youth who are minorities, girls, and/or located in underserved communities.
N7 FUNDThe Fund, an initiative of Nike, is committed to inspiring and enabling participation in sports for Native American and Aboriginal communities in the United States and Canada. Funded from the sales of Nike Air Native N7 shoe, the Fund supports the belief that sport has the power to unleash human potential.
NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR ACCESSIBLE GOLFThe Alliance’s Accessible Golf Program grants support nonprofits, government agencies, and educational institutions in their efforts to make the game of golf more accessible to people with disabilities. Programs should offer affordable and accessible opportunities for participants to experience golf both during scheduled programming and after programming is concluded.
NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the League. It is dedicated to improving the lives of those touched by the game of football.
NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION FOUNDATIONThe NRA Foundation supports programs in the shooting sports, such as youth education, law enforcement training, hunter education, conservation, firearms and marksmanship training and safety. The application deadline is for national grants.
NATIONAL SHOOTING SPORTS FOUNDATIONThe Foundation’s Hunting Heritage Partnership grants are designed to build a strong partnership between the Foundation, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, and state wildlife agencies. Grants are targeted toward state wildlife agencies to create greater hunting opportunities and to put more hunters in the field.
NCAAThe Association is dedicated to the well-being and lifelong success of college athletes. Through its research unit, the Association conducts nation research for its members on a wide variety of topics including academic performance, student-athlete well-being, finances of intercollegiate athletics programs, gender-equity and diversity issues, and many others.
NFL YOUTH FOOTBALL FUNDThe Fund’s Grassroots Program is a partnership between the National Football League Youth Football Fund, which provides funding for the program, and the Local Initiative Support Corporation, which manages and provides technical assistance to the program. The Program’s objective is to provide neighborhood-based nonprofits with financial and technical assistance to improve the quality, safety, and accessibility of local football fields.
NICKELODEONThe children’s television Network is funding the 2005-2006 “Let’s Just Play” Giveway program. The Program offers children around the United States the opportunity to take action and enter for a chance to win $5,000 to improve their school or community’s fitness resources.
NIKEThe shoe Company’s Bowerman Track Renovation program provides matching cash grants to community-based, youth-oriented organizations that want to refurbish or construct running tracks. Applicants must demonstrate a need for either refurbishment or reconstruction.
NIKE, INC.The Company’s Bowerman Track Renovation program provides matching cash grants to community-based, youth-oriented organizations that seek to refurbish or construct running tracks anywhere in the world. The program, administered by the Company’s Corporate Responsibility Department, distributes $200,000 in matching grants each year.
NRA FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is the country’s leading philanthropic organization in support of the shooting sports. Its objective is to promote, advance, and encourage firearms and hunting safety; to educate individuals including youth, with respect to firearms and firearms history, hunting safety, and marksmanship; and to conduct research to further improve firearms safety and marksmanship facilities and techniques.
PADI FOUNDATIONThe Foundation encourages and supports underwater science, environmental projects, and education. The Foundation will fund and assist worthwhile projects that will enrich mankind’s understanding of the aquatic environment and encourage sensitivity to and protection of the delicate ecological balance of underwater life.
PEOPLEFORBIKESThe Organization’s grant program focuses most of its funding on bicycle infrastructure projects such as bike paths, lanes, trails, and bridges; mountain bike facilities; bike parks and pump tracks; BMX facilities; and end-of-trip facilities such as bike racks, bike parking, and bike storage. The Organization also funds some advocacy projects such as programs that transform city streets including Ciclovias or Open Street Days and initiatives designed to increase ridership or the investment in bicycle infrastructure.
POLARISThe outdoor off-the-road Company's T.R.A.I.L.S. Grant Program provides support to national, state, and local organizations in the United States to ensure the future of all-terrain-vehicle (ATV) riding.
POLARIS FOUNDATIONThe global leader in power sports, the Company is dedicated to long-term investment in the communities where its employees and customers live and where its business interests are. The Company awards grants in the following areas: Communities, Youth Safety, Environment, STEM and the Trades (education).
POLARIS INDUSTRIESThe Company’s T.R.A.I.L.S. grant program provides support to national, state, and local organizations in the United States to ensure the future of ATV riding.
SAUCONY RUN FOR GOOD FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is the philanthropic entity of the Stride-Rite Corporation, a leading global supplier of performance athletic footware and apparel. Established to help end childhood obesity, the Corporation’s Run for Good Foundation funds children’s running and fitness programs.
SAUCONY RUN FOR GOOD PROGRAMThe goal of the shoe Company’s Run for Good program is to encourage children to engage in an active and healthy lifestyle. Organizations whose participants are 18 years or younger and can demonstrate that their program positively impacts the lives of participants through their increased participation in running are encouraged to apply.
SPECIALIZED BICYCLE COMPONENTSThe Company’s dealer grant program is intended to help the bicycle Company’s retail partners link closer to events in their community and to help support causes they believe in. Eligible applicants must be authorized Specialized bike dealers paired with a nonprofit.
THE BILL BELICHICK FOUNDATIONThe Foundation seeks to provide coaching, mentorship, and financial support to individuals, communities, and organizations. Focusing on football and lacrosse, the Foundation aims to bring the values of the Belichick family – a love of sports, coaching, and teambuilding – to the athletic leaders of tomorrow.
THE SKATEPARK PROJECTFormerly known as the Tony Hawk Foundation, the Project is dedicated to promoting the construction of new, quality skateparks located in low-income communities throughout the United States. The Foundation supports projects that can demonstrate a strong, grassroots commitment, particularly in the form of planning and fundraising by local skateboarders and other community groups.
THE SPORTS AUTHORITYThe sporting goods Company is passionate about sports and dedicated to every athlete and fan who feels the same way. It operates more than 450 stores in 45 states.
TONY HAWK FOUNDATIONGrants encourage and facilitate the design, development, construction, and operation of new skateboard parks and facilities in low-income communities. Applicant organizations must be a public charity, or a state or local agency, including public school systems or public projects.
U.S. SOCCER FOUNDATIONThe Foundation supports projects throughout the United States that focus on keeping children in vulnerable communities active, healthy, and safe from the dangers of the streets. The Foundation awards four categories of funding: program grants, field grants, footprint field grants, and planning grants.
UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATIONThe Association’s “For the Good of the Game” grants support organizations that introduce the game to people who would otherwise not have the opportunity to play. Of particular interest are organizations that work with young people (especially minorities, girls, the economically disadvantaged, and others with limited access to the game) and individuals with disabilities.
UNITED STATES SOCCER FOUNDATIONGrantmaking is focused on programs or projects that develop soccer players, referees, and coaches with a special emphasis on the economically disadvantaged in urban areas. Two major objectives are to increase grassroots awareness of the foundation's grantmaking opportunities and to make basic information available in a bilingual format.
UNITED STATES TENNIS ASSOCATIONThe Association’s philanthropic arm, USTA Serves-Foundation for Academics. Character.
UNITED STATES TENNIS ASSOCATION SERVESThe mission of the philanthropic arm of the sports Association is to make grants that support programs for at-risk youth and people with disabilities. Through the integration of tennis and education, the programs should be designed to improve health, build character, and strive for academic excellence.
USA FOOTBALLThe Organization, along with the NFL Foundation, is committed to enhancing the football experience of all players at the youth and amateur levels. The Organization, the sport’s national governing body, and a member of the U.S.
USA SWIMMING FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the sports Organization. The Foundation works to strengthen the sport by saving lives and building champions in the pool and in life.
USTA FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the United States Tennis Association. Grantmaking supports under-resourced youth and individuals with disabilities through tennis and education programs designed to improve health, build character, and strive for academic excellence.
USTA SERVESUSTA SERVES, the National Charitable Foundation of the United States Tennis Association, promotes programs that enhance the lives of at-risk children and individuals with disabilities through the integration of tennis and education. Grants are awarded to tennis programs for underserved youth, ages 5-18, that include an educational component.
WOMEN’S SPORTS FOUNDATIONThe Foundation invites applications for the Rusty Kanokogi Fund for the Advancement of U.S. Judo.
YAMAHA OUTDOOR ACCESS INITIATIVEThe Initiative is dedicated to those who work and play outdoors including, but not limited to, those who rely on off-highway vehicles to ride, camp, hunt, or fish. The Initiative's mission is to provide practical support for efforts that promote safe, responsible use of off-highway vehicles, educate the public on proper recreational land use and wildlife conservation practices, and protect appropriate and sustainable access to public lands.