Nonprofit World: Author Guidelines


Nonprofit World welcomes unsolicited manuscripts but asks that you not submit your manuscript to any other publication until we have looked at it.  We will let you know within a few weeks whether we will use it.

Nonprofit World is aimed primarily at executives, board members, volunteers, and others who serve nonprofit organizations.  Most articles are addressed to the executive director.

As a contributing writer to Nonprofit World, perhaps the most significant benefit you will receive will be excellent exposure to nonprofit executives throughout the country.  Although we are unable to pay our writers, they feel that the sharing of ideas and the excellent visibility gained are worthwhile benefits.

Manuscripts may be sent via postal or electronic mail to the following address:

Jill Muehrcke, Editor
Nonprofit World
P.O. Box 44173-4173
Madison, Wisconsin    53744-4173
Email: Contact the Editor

Phone: 734-451-3582
Fax: 734-451-5935

Publishing Process

We publish Nonprofit World quarterly and are usually working a year ahead, so please be patient with the length of time it takes for your article to appear in print. We will first edit your article, then return it to you for your review and approval, and then begin the process of scheduling it for publication. Thus, it generally takes about 1 year after submission for a piece to be published. You are always welcome to e-mail us with questions about this process, but please realize that the editor may not be able to give you an exact publication date. This is not a reflection on the quality of your article.

Manuscript Format

Manuscripts should be typewritten and single-spaced.  They should be saved in MS Word, WordPerfect, text, or rich text - PC format.

Strive to have your articles run approximately 3 to 7 pages single-spaced pages (1,300 to 2,500 words).  Use this as a guide, but do not feel constrained by it.  Indent all paragraphs, including those after headings.  If headings are used, begin them at the margin, with space before and after headings.

Articles should be written in the third person (they, it, he or she).  Avoid the use of I ("you" may be used).  Avoid sexist language, such as the use of "man" to represent humanity.  It is usually easy to find some other way of expressing the idea (for instance, "business leaders" rather than "businessmen"; "chair" or "committee leader" rather than "chairman"). Avoid the use of "he" when referring to someone who might be either male or female.  Preferably, use the plural form (instead of "When a manager makes a plan, he ...," say: "When managers make plans, they . . .)".

DO NOT embed graphics, footnotes, or any special formatting codes in the text.  The article should be submitted in straight pure text (no color, special fonts, etc.) Attach any graphics as separate files. In text, mention “USE GRAPHIC 1 AROUND HERE.”

Footnotes should be written as straight text at the end of the article, preceded by FOOTNOTE 1, FOOTNOTE 2, and so on. In the article, simply write FOOTNOTE 1, FOOTNOTE 2, etc., to indicate where footnotes will go.

If you add references or a bibliography, use the full name (first and last), NOT initials, of the authors cited.

At the end of the article, write a short biographical sketch about yourself.  Be sure to include your email address after your name in the bio.  If you would like readers to have your address and phone number, include those in the biographical sketch.  If possible, please send a photo of yourself and of something relevant to the topic.

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