Wege Foundation
Category: Regional
DescriptionNamed for the founder of Steelcase Furniture, the Michigan-based Foundation aims to plant seeds that develop leaders in economicology, health, education, and the arts and enhance the lives of people in western Michigan and around the world. The Foundation awards grants in four areas of interest: Education, Environment, Arts and Culture, and Community Health and Well-Being. Projects should serve Kent County, MI and the Grand Rapids metropolitan area. Additional information, an eligibility quiz, as well as application instructions can be found on the Web site.
Contact Information
Contact information and additional details are available to members of the Society.
Additional Grants
Funding Alert is intended to highlight key grant opportunities for nonprofit leaders with limited time for research. For a more comprehensive database of grants, the Society is also proud to provide all of our members will full access to GrantStation. GrantStation includes a database of over 5,000 current grant opportunities and other resources designed for grant professionals.
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