Compton Foundation


: Social Change


The Foundation’s mission is to ignite change. It does this by supporting transformative leadership and courageous storytelling, inspiring action toward a peaceful, just, sustainable future. The Transformative Leadership program supports institutions that are training, convening, and coaching leaders with the qualities of a strong sense of social purpose and a searing passion to make a difference. These leaders also take risks, respect and embrace diverse voices, and are able to work across boundaries to find agreement around shared goals. Transformative leadership grants also support networks of leaders working across difference in issue, approach, or consistency as well as exemplary organizations that demonstrate new ways of working, creative collaboration, and transformative leadership qualities. Courageous storytelling is defined as those that disrupt understanding of the status quo or those that give voice to previously unheard narratives. They also use visual art, music, drama, film, writing, and creative social media to amplify critical issues and to blend personal with political and emotional with intellectual. Courageous storytelling grants support creative media (art, music, drama, writing, photography) that captures imagination, expands understanding of critical social and environmental problems, and articulates a positive vision for the future. The Foundation also supports organizations that help creative artists engage with social and environmental change. Information about how the Foundation handles film projects and other important details can be found on the Web site.

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