Volunteer Resources

  • Volunteer Management Course
    Distance education course on volunteer management taught by an expert in the field - Susan Ellis.
  • AL!VE
    AL!VE (Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement) is a national membership organization of leaders and professionals in volunteer engagement.
  • Energize Inc.
    Whether you are a paid director of volunteers or an officer of an all-volunteer association, this website can help you! They are an international consulting, training and publishing firm specializing in volunteerism. Energize offers the largest Web site in the world on the subject of volunteer management. Find 1200+ pages of information on how to work with volunteers, directories of professional associations and volunteer opportunities, quotations about volunteering for speeches, and more. President Susan Ellis is a faculty member of the Society's Learning Institute educational programs.
  • IdeaList - Volunteer Resources
    Provides basic resources for learning more about and finding great volunteer opportunities around the globe.
  • Independent Sector: Value of Volunteer Time
    Independent Sector publishes an annual estimate for the dollar value of volunteer time that can be used to quantify the enormous value volunteers provide.
  • Learning to Give
    Learning to Give offers lesson plans, activities, and resources to educate youth about the power of philanthropy (sharing time, talent and treasure). Empower young people to make a difference in their school, their community and their world!
  • Legal Handbook for Volunteers
    Online edition of the Volunteer's Legal Handbook, by James D. DeWitt
  • Nonprofit Risk Management Center
    The Nonprofit Risk Management Center offers a "Volunteer Risk Management Tutorial" along with other excellent resources to help you identify and manage risks at your organization.
  • ServiceLeader: Virtual Volunteering Resources
    ServiceLeader.org provides guidelines on developing and implementing a virtual volunteering program, and other resources intended to encourage and assist in the development of volunteer activities that can be completed off-site via the Internet.
  • United Nations Volunteers
    The United Nations Volunteers programme (UNV) is the UN organization that supports human development globally by promoting volunteerism and by mobilizing volunteers.  UNV invites individuals to volunteer at home, abroad and online.
  • Virtual Volunteering Wiki
    This wiki was created to share resources regarding virtual volunteering and is maintained by Jayne Cravens and Susan J. Ellis, authors of The Last Virtual Volunteering Guidebook. Wiki includes the latest news, history, basics, and other resources related to virtual volunteering.
  • Volunteer Match
    VolunteerMatch is the largest of several online services that help interested volunteers get involved with community service organizations throughout the United States. They also offer a great blog and training materials for leaders of volunteers.
  • Youth Service America (YSA)
    YSA supports a global culture of engaged children and youth committed to a lifetime of meaningful service, learning, and leadership. Their resources page offers youth, educators, community organizations, and families the resources and trainings to help all young people find their voice, take action, and make an impact on vital community issues.

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