The Charles Hayden Foundation


: Regional


The Foundation seeks to promote the mental, moral, and physical development of children and youth ages five to eighteen in the metropolitan area of New York and the city of Boston. Metropolitan New York is defined, for the Foundation’s purposes, as New York City and, in New Jersey, primarily the city of Newark. The Foundation’s focus is on those institutions and programs serving youth most at risk of not reaching their full potential, especially those in low income communities. The Foundation makes two types of grants: program support and capital support. Program support grants seek to improve and expand community based programs offering economically disadvantaged school-aged youth educational, social, and recreational opportunities in the non-school hours. Program support grants also support schools with a demonstrated ability to graduate economically disadvantaged students who subsequently attend and are equipped to succeed in high performing high schools, colleges, and universities. The Foundation also provides support to independent and parochial schools for improving educational programs at individual schools that predominantly serve economically disadvantaged students. Capital support grants provide “bricks and mortar” funding for renovation, expansion, construction, and acquisition of physical facilities and the purchase and repair of non-expendable equipment. Given the current economic climate, the Foundation will not be making capital grants during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010. Additional information can be found on the Web site.

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