The Fund For Nonviolence


: Peace


The Fund cultivates and supports efforts to bring about social change that moves humanity toward a more just and compassionate coexistence. The Fund believes in the transformative power of nonviolence as a mean of inspiring progressive social change. Grantmaking priorities include organizations working on social justice issues for marginalized communities and, in particular, elevating the voices and leadership of people from those communities. The Fund’s Voices of Resistance program lifts up voices of those whose lives are directly affected by the “war on terror.” The program supports efforts to redirect the U.S. national focus and resources away from the politics of endless war and toward the development of institutions and economies that promote human rights, justice, and peace. Program goals include ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; bringing the troops home; providing services and resources that the returning troops need and deserve; make reparations to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan; eliminate torture and indefinite detention and reject any policy that attempts to justify these practices; and rescind the policy of preemptive military action. The Fund’s Justice with Dignity program seeks a justice system that treats every human being with dignity. The program’s goals include reducing the number of people incarcerated and exposing and challenging human rights abuses of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people. Additional information can be found on the Web site.

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