Arcus Foundation




The Foundation’s mission seeks to achieve social justice that includes sexual orientation, gender identity and race, and to ensure conservation and respect of the great apes. Under the Social Justice category, the Foundation emphasizes advancing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LBGT) peoples from the local level to the global level. This category also addresses programs related to religion and values as they intersect with racial justice, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Sexual orientation is determined by whom an individual is sexually attracted to and has the potential for loving. Gender identity is defined as an individual’s internal sense of one’s own gender. Under the Great Apes program, the Foundation works to ensure respect and survival of the great apes and their natural habitat. Of particular interest are projects that support great apes conservation compatible with economic development; programs related to effective and coordinated movement among the great apes; and respect for rights and value of the great apes. The Foundation also supports programs to achieve LGBT rights in the state of Michigan and internationally. The Foundation’s grantmaking funds requests for general operating support, project support for specific programs, public policy advocacy and organizing campaigns, public policy research and dissemination, capital projects, and organizational capacity building. The Foundation recently released new funding guidelines. It now accepts letters of inquiry and proposals on a rolling basis throughout the year. It will award grants four times a year. The new guidelines continue to reinforce the requirement that applicant groups have an EEO policy that includes sexual orientation and gender identity as well as all categories required by applicable law. Additional information including specific contacts for each program can be found on the Web site.

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