The Compton Foundation


: General


The Foundation seeks to foster human and ecological security by addressing threats to these rights. It also supports responsible stewardship that respects the rights of future generations to a balanced and healthy personal and global ecology. Grantmaking is focused on three areas: Peace and Security, Environment and Sustainability, and Population and Reproductive Health. With all three areas, the Foundation looks to foster positive and sustainable models of change. Under the Peace and Security program, funding is targeted at projects and practices that provide for human safety in regions of armed conflict. Grants under this program are made to organizations based in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, although proceeds from the grants can be used for work conducted in other countries. Grants in the area of Environment and Stability will be made to U.S.-based organizations for domestic programs. Organizations in California, Oregon, and Washington as well as those in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and Wyoming are eligible to apply. For this program, the Foundation will usually not fund work in Alaska, Hawaii or outside the boundaries of the United States. Under the Population and Health area, the Foundation links population stabilization with peace and environment issues and with broader social development and environmental goals. The primary focus of this area is U.S. national reproductive health policy. The Foundation will also support state or regional activities with direct implications for national policy. It also funds a small number of projects that strengthen service delivery systems in San Francisco Bay, Colorado, and Washington D.C.

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