Redline Contemporary Art Center
Category: Regional
DescriptionThe Center, located in Denver?s Five Points neighborhood, aims to foster education and engagement between artists and communities to create positive social change. The INSITE Fund awards grants to public-facing visual arts projects that take place beyond the studio, museum, art center or traditional gallery setting. The Fund specifically seeks to support projects that expand the public?s understanding of the visual arts, and the intended outcome of the funding is to make visible often unseen and under-supported artistic activity as well as to cultivate engaged communities around the work. Grants will be awarded to individual artists and artists? collectives. Projects must take place within a 115-mile radius of Denver and in the state of Colorado. Geographic boundaries, application instructions and additional information can be found on the Web site.
Contact Information
Contact information and additional details are available to members of the Society.
Additional Grants
Funding Alert is intended to highlight key grant opportunities for nonprofit leaders with limited time for research. For a more comprehensive database of grants, the Society is also proud to provide all of our members will full access to GrantStation. GrantStation includes a database of over 5,000 current grant opportunities and other resources designed for grant professionals.
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