Ecmc Foundation
Category: Education
DescriptionThe Foundation's mission is to improve higher education for career success among underserved populations in the United States. It does this by awarding grants to programs that show evidence-based innovation. The Foundation provides support to efforts that fit within its strategic priorities. Priorities are removing barriers to post-secondary completion, including programs that directly support learner success; building the capacity of higher education organizations institutions and systems to improve outcomes for learners and evolve to meet changing needs; and transforming the postsecondary ecosystem, including large-scale, cross-sector collaborations in service of more equitable outcomes. Particular interest is given to programs and projects that focus on implementing systemic reforms to improve postsecondary outcomes for students from undeserved backgrounds. Visit the Web site for application information and additional details.
Contact Information
Contact information and additional details are available to members of the Society.
Additional Grants
Funding Alert is intended to highlight key grant opportunities for nonprofit leaders with limited time for research. For a more comprehensive database of grants, the Society is also proud to provide all of our members will full access to GrantStation. GrantStation includes a database of over 5,000 current grant opportunities and other resources designed for grant professionals.
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