Funding Alert: Literacy
BETTER WORLD BOOKS The Organization is looking for nonprofits with "Life Changing" ideas which help advance a compelling literacy project. Grants are intended to compile a wide range of projects and fund the ones that have the longest-lasting impact in their library or community.
DOLLAR GENERAL LITERACY FOUNDATIONThe Foundation recognizes that the need for literacy assistance isn’t confined to a single age group or geographic location. So the Foundation’s grant programs seek to help improve the lives of people of all ages in many different communities.
DOLLAR GENERAL SCHOOL LIBRARY RELIEF PROGRAMThe Company’s “Beyond Words: The Dollar General School Library Program” benefits public school libraries in disaster areas. The program will provide grants for books, media, and/or equipment that supports learning in a school library environment.
DR. SEUSS FOUNDATIONThe Foundation was named for the beloved children's book author, Theodore Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss.
FINEREADSThe Organization is passionate about increasing literacy rates for children around the world. To demonstrate its commitment to the cause of children’s literacy, the Organization awards grants to select nonprofits and organizations that have made impactful efforts towards increasing world literacy.
INTERNATIONAL LITERACY ASSOCIATIONThe Association’s Nila Banton Smith Teacher as Researcher grant supports teachers who conduct research inquiries in their classrooms. The grant Program supports teachers who show outstanding leadership in translating theory and current research into practice in developing content area literacy.
LAURA BUSH FOUNDATION FOR AMERICA’S LIBRARIESThe Foundation, named for the former First Lady, helps school libraries encourage and foster a love of reading, support student learning, and make books and reading materials available to students who otherwise would not have access to them. Grants will be awarded to help libraries in schools where 85 percent or more of the students qualify for free or reduced lunches expand, update, and diversify their book collections.
NATIONAL CENTER FOR FAMILIES LEARNINGFormerly known as the National Center for Family Literacy, the Center’s Toyota Family Teacher of the Year Award recognizes the teachers in the nation who are best at engaging families in the educational process. Winning criteria include serving parents and children using a strong intergenerational approach to helping them learn together in innovative ways and have a demonstrated record of success.
NATIONAL CENTER FOR FAMILY LITERACYWith the support of Better World Books, the Center’s Library and Families Award supports existing family programming and expanding literacy-building practices of families in library settings. The nominated program must be an existing library program.
NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTSIn cooperation with Arts Midwest, the Endowment’s annual Big Read Program is designed to revitalize the role of literature in American culture and to encourage citizens to read for pleasure and enlightenment. The Program provides U.S.
NORA ROBERTS FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is the philanthropic vehicle for best-selling author Nora Roberts. The Foundation believes that literacy is a human right and it has made supporting literacy organizations its highest priority.
PROLITERACYFunded by the Nora Roberts Foundation, the Organization's Literacy Opportunity Fund awards grants to nonprofits in the United States that provide literacy services directly to students. The Fund aims to meet the needs of literacy organizations of all types and sizes so that they may effectively and efficiently provide services to students.
SNAPDRAGON BOOK FOUNDATIONStarted in 2008 by a former school librarian, the Foundation seeks to foster children’s literacy by providing grants to school libraries throughout the United States serving disadvantaged youth. The Foundation, realizing that schools are allocating their funds to technology and audiovisual equipment, hopes to make sure that school libraries can offer children good books to read.
THE BIG READThe Program is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts that’s designed to restore reading to the center of American culture. The NEA presents the Program in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services and in cooperation with Arts Midwest.
THE LAURA BUSH FOUNDATION FOR AMERICA'S LIBRARIESThe Foundation, named for the former First Lady, provides grants to the country's neediest schools so that they can extend, update, and diversify the book and print collections in their libraries with the goal of encouraging students to develop a love of reading and learning. Grants may be used only for books, periodicals, eBooks, reference materials, and magazine/newspaper subscriptions.
THE NATIONAL BOOK FOUNDATIONThe Foundation’s Innovations in Reading Prize will award $10,000 to an individual or organization that has developed an innovative project which creates and sustains a lifelong love of reading in the community they serve. In addition to the winner, the Foundation will recognize four projects, which will receive honorable mentions.
THE PEARSON FOUNDATIONThe Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the publisher, aims to make a difference by promoting literacy, learning, and great teaching. The Foundation provides support and adds capacity to great nonprofits already making a difference in local communities.
THE RAY SOLEM FOUNDATIONThe Foundation focuses its grantmaking on the challenges faced by immigrants in the workplace. Founded by entrepreneur Richard Ray Solem, the Foundation seeks to support nonprofits that have found creative ways to help immigrants in the United States further their verbal English language skills, especially listening comprehension and oral communications, or to help immigrants in other ways.
THOMSON GALE/SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNALThomson Gale and School Library Journal’s annual Giant Step Award Program recognizes outstanding school and public libraries that have made significant improvements or created new initiatives in programs and services that greatly impact student learning and development. The award also recognizes programs that enrich services in both the school and the community.
WISH YOU WELL FOUNDATIONWith half of the adult population in the United States “literacy challenged,” the Foundation’s mission is to support family literacy. It does this by fostering and promoting the development and expansion of new and existing literacy and educational programs.
WORLD BOOK/AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONThe World Book-sponsored ALA Information Literacy Goal Award seeks to promote exemplary, innovative, and effective information literacy programs in public and school libraries. There are two annual awards consisting of $5,000 and a gold-framed citation of achievement that are given to a public and a school library.