Funding Alert: Equality & Human Rights
AKONADI FOUNDATIONThe Foundation’s mission focuses on working with others to eliminate racism. It has a particular interest in strategies that address structural and institutional racism.
ALAN B. SLIFKA FOUNDATIONThe Foundation focuses its grantmaking in the field of “co-existence,” which it defines as the proactive embrace of diversity and difference. As such it funds only projects designed to create and maintain bridges between groups in divided societies.
CONRAD N. HILTON FOUNDATIONThe Foundation, named for the famed hotelier, awards an annual prize for one nonprofit found to have made extraordinary contributions toward alleviating human suffering. The $2.5 million Conrad N.
INDIAN LAND TENURE FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is a national, community-based organization serving American Indian nations and people in the recovery and control of their rightful homelands. The Foundation works to promote education, increase cultural awareness, create economic opportunity, and reform the legal and administrative systems that prevent Indian people from owing and controlling reservation lands.
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS FUNDERS GROUPSThe Fund for Global Human Rights targets a wide range of efforts to ensure that all people have the opportunity to enjoy a genuinely human existence. Funding supports a broad range of approaches including public education, documentation, reporting, fact-finding, litigation, policy advocacy, research and scholarship, networking and coalition building, and capacity building.
MORTON K. AND JANE BLAUSTEIN FOUNDATIONThe Foundation makes grants in the areas of educational opportunity, health and mental health, and human rights. Human rights grants seek legal strategies to ensure fair treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers in the United States.
NATIVE AMERICAN GRAVES PROTECTION AND REPATRIATION ACTThe Act, passed in 1990, provides a process for museums and Federal agencies to return certain Native American cultural items to lineal descendants, culturally affiliated Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations. These items include human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony.
OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONSThe Society’s National Security and Human Rights Campaign provides grants to U.S.-based organizations working to promote progressive national security policies that respect human rights, civil liberties, and the rule of law. The Campaign prioritizes promoting new thinking, engaging new voices and constituencies, and strengthening capacity of and collaborations among organizations engaged in national security issues.
OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTEThe Human Rights and Governance Grants Program seeks proposals from national and international organizations to advance government accountability in Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Mongolia. The program will support efforts to promote public participation in and oversight of governmental activity at both the national and local levels.
ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATIONThe Foundation’s Local Funding Partnerships has announced a special solicitation, Peaceful Pathways: Reducing Exposure to Violence. The program offers matching grants of $50,000 to $200,000 per project.
SANTA FE NATURAL TOBACCO COMPANY FOUNDATIONThe Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the tobacco company. It targets its grants toward organizations that support the preservation, promotion, and advancement of American Indian self-sufficiency and culture in the United States.
SEVENTH GENERATION FUND FOR INDIAN DEVELOPMENTThe Fund works directly with grassroots Native American communities and traditional indigenous societies throughout the Americas in support of Native peoples’ community organizing, issue advocacy, economic renewal, cultural revitalization, environmental justice, and related restorative development efforts. Grantmaking is targeted toward projects in the topics of arts and cultural expression, environmental health and justice, indigenous peoples of the Americas, sacred earth, and sustainable communities.
SEVENTH GENERATION FUND FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLEThe Fund’s mission is dedicated to promoting and maintaining the uniqueness of Native peoples and the sovereignty of tribal nations. Named for the Great Law of Peace of the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy), which mandated that chiefs consider the impact of their decisions on the seventh generation yet to come, the Fund is focused on supporting grassroots development through Native community empowerment and action.
SYDNEY HILL FOUNDATIONThe Foundation was named for the founder and president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (a predecessor union to Workers United, SEIU). The Foundation honors journalists, writers, and public figures who pursue investigative journalism and public policy for the common good.
THE LIBRA FOUNDATIONThe Foundation recognizes the power of human rights to express our values and transform societies. Its grantmaking is focused on enhancing the human rights movement and broadening it to include U.S.
THE MORTON K. AND JANE BLAUSTEIN FOUNDATIONThe Foundation makes grants in the United States and abroad. Support is given in the following program areas: educational opportunity, health, and human rights and social justice.
TRAVELOCITYThe Internet travel Company’s Travel for Good program, part of the Sabre Holdings Foundation, offers the Change Ambassadors grant to help support Americans who wish to travel to participate in volunteer opportunities (volunteer vacations). The program will help fund transportation and other costs of any trip organized by one of Travelocity’s volunteer travel provider partners for individuals or groups chosen on the merit of their applications (including financial circumstances) and their ability to meet the grant requirements.