12 Things To Do Next Monday

You already have plenty to do, I know! But to keep momentum going, it helps to do a few concrete things every day. Each of these "things to do" will move your organization closer to successful fundraising.
  1. Set up a suggestion box, and tell employees to use it to offer creative ideas for improvement. Seriously consider each suggestion, and do your best to implement the good ideas.

  2. Ask a few employees to read up on TQM. Have them form a TQM team and identify ways to improve processes within the organization.

  3. Read the business section of a major newspaper, and subscribe to at least one business publication, such as Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, or Fortune. Start thinking like an entrepreneur, and bring this mindset to your staff and board members.

  4. Call your board members, and ask each one to contact a corporate decision-maker to discuss ways the corporation and your organization might work together. (Don't have them ask for funds yet; that will come after you've established a relationship with the corporation.)

  5. Revise your volunteer, paid staff, and board orientation materials to emphasize your organization's mission and vision and get people excited about being part of a forward-looking team.

  6. Create an exit interview to give to departing employees. Ask searching questions about the organization's strengths and weaknesses. You'll receive invaluable information about your working environment.

  7. Identify a local nonprofit whose work enhances your mission. Make a date to talk with the executive director about ways to collaborate.

  8. Determine areas in which you are exceeding your funders' expectations. If there aren't any, set some more ambitious goals.

  9. Randomly call five people your organization serves. Ask them to evaluate the quality of service they received most recently from your organization.

  10. Have each staff and board member answer this question: "If we had an additional $25,000, $100,000, or $1,000,000 at our disposal, how could we best use it?" These answers will give you some creative ideas for expansion.

  11. Sign up for a course in an area in which you'd like more training, and take at least two board members with you.

  12. Commit yourself to creating an organizational climate that rewards quality, creativity, and good communication techniques.



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