Fundraising in Uncertain Times
Instructor: Carol Weisman
Members: Free (Join)

Length: 91 min
Producer: SNPO

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Class Description:

Raising money is never easy. In a good economy, more people jump into the fray. In a tough economy, people often defeat themselves. The "good news" is that there are always many opportunities for organizations with discipline and an entrepreneurial spirit. Whether you are committed to the arts, social services, the environment or another cause, and whether you serve those half-way around the world or half-way around the block, there is a way to fund your mission.

Class Participants Will Learn:

  • How to leverage existing relationships with new strategies that redefine "uncertain times" and "recession"

  • How to use research to unlock new opportunities 

  • What your board should be doing and 5 easy ways to engage them 

  • Strategies to tweak your plan (or totally redo it) 

  • Simple steps for using digital technology to raise your bottom line.

Class Format:

This course is the recording of a live webinar and contains the slides and audio from the original presentation. Only a reasonably current version of FlashPlayer is needed to run this recording (most computers already have this installed).

About the Instructor, Carol Weisman

Carol Weisman has served on 31 boards and has been president of 7. As the president of Board Builders, she works primarily in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand doing lectures, training and board retreats.

Carol is the author of 8 books on governance, fundraising and philanthropy. Her book, “Raising Charitable Children” was featured in The New York Times, Parade Magazine and was the cover story of Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine.

As a young woman, Carol’s Mother told her, "Don’t give it away for free." Carol respected and loved her Mother and listened to her advice 99% of the time. Now that she is a member of the AARP set, she has decided to ignore her Mother’s advice about giving things away. Her new book, “Transforming Ordinary People into Fundraising Superheroes” will be available for free on her website - Carol ultimately hopes that - if you like the book - you will buy a print copy for everyone on your board.

Carol’s Mom was a big-time rule-breaker and though long gone, would find this little rebellion rather pathetic!

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"Help us raise money!" That's the plea we at the Society for Nonprofits hear most often... Read More
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