Length: 95 Min

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Doug Eadie


Hit the Ground Running With Your New Board

No factor is more critical in determining your success as a chief executive than your partnership with your board. CEOs who have built a close, positive and productive working relationship with their board tend to thrive over the long run, achieving their leadership goals and advancing their careers. By contrast, CEOs who haven’t mastered the art of building and sustaining a rock-solid partnership with their board tend to be less effective leaders and to be far less secure in their positions.

Drawing on Doug Eadie’s 25 years of work with over 500 CEOs and their boards and on his newest book, The Board-Savvy CEO, “Hit the Ground Running With Your New Board” provides CEO-aspirants and new CEOs with detailed, practical guidance in building a rock-solid partnership with their new board.

Learning Objectives:

Participants in this program will learn how to play three critical board-savvy CEO roles:
  1. Chief Board Capacity Builder: taking the lead in helping the board update its governing role, its composition, and its committee structure, creating the essential governing architecture
  2. Chief Governing Process Designer: taking the lead in mapping out processes for meaningfully engaging board members in governing processes so they become satisfied owners of their governing decisions and judgments
  3. Chief Governing Relationship Manager: taking the lead in dealing with the human dimension of the board-superintendent partnership by effectively communicating and interacting with board members

Course Format

This course is the recording of a live webinar and contains the slides and full audio from the original presentation (including Q & A sessions). Only a reasonably current version of FlashPlayer is needed to run this recording (most computers already have this installed).

About the Presenter(s)

Doug Eadie, President & CEO
Doug Eadie & Company

Doug Eadie is President & CEO of Doug Eadie & Company (www.dougeadie.com), a Tampa Bay-based firm that works with nonprofit and public organizations in the areas of board and CEO leadership and strategic change. Over the past 25 years, Doug has assisted over 500 nonprofit and public organizations build the leadership capacity of their CEOs and boards. Through his 21 books, including his best-selling The Board-Savvy CEO, and over 100 articles, Doug has played a leading role in shaping the field of nonprofit/public leadership and management. Before founding Doug Eadie & Company, Doug served in a number of senior executive positions in the public and nonprofit sectors, and he also served as a Peace Corps teacher in Ethiopia for three years. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana, Doug received his master of science in management degree from the Weatherhead School of Case Western Reserve University.

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