The Challenge of a Lifetime for Your Nonprofit

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Instructor: Peter Brinckerhoff
Length:  85 min

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Producer: SNPO

Class Description:

With Baby Boomers leaving nonprofit leadership positions, and the next generations coming into a full spectrum of roles, what are you doing today to support organizational change in operations, programs, outreach, and even mission? Generational change presents as many opportunities for nonprofits as challenges.

Join Peter Brinckerhoff, author of Generations: The Challenge of a Lifetime for Your Nonprofit, as he guides participants in identifying trends and responses to this timely subject. As a result, you will be better prepared to assist in meeting the changing needs of staff, volunteers, donors, and the community.

Class participants will learn:

  • How to motivate each generation.
  • Six Big Trends and how they affect each generation.
  • The impacts of generation change on:
    your staff, your board & volunteers, the people you serve, marketing, technology, and finance.
  • What to do now to help deal with generation change in your organization.

Class Format: 
This course is the recording of a live webinar and contains the slides and audio from the original presentation. Only a reasonably current version of FlashPlayer is needed to run this recording (most computers already have this installed).

About the Instructor, Peter Brinckerhoff

Peter Brinckerhoff is an internationally renowned trainer, author, and consultant to not-for-profit organizations. He brings years of experience in the field to his work, as he is a former board member of local, state, and national not-for-profits, and has worked on the staff and as executive director of two regional not-for-profits.

Since founding his consulting firm Corporate Alternatives, in 1982, Mr. Brinckerhoff has helped thousands of organizations become more mission-capable. Peter is the author of the highly acclaimed books, Mission-Based Management (Second Edition), Mission-Based Management Workbook, Financial Empowerment, Mission-Based Marketing (Second Edition) and its associated Mission-Based Marketing Workbook,, Faith-Based Management, and Social Entrepreneurship, all published by John Wiley & Sons, and Nonprofit Stewardship, published by the Fieldstone Alliance. Peter's newest book, Generations, The Challenge of a Lifetime for Your Nonprofit, was released by Fieldstone in March, 2007.

Raised in Connecticut, Peter and his family lived in Springfield, IL from 1977-2007. Peter and his wife now live in Union Hall, VA.

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